Asymetrical Indochina Sim
Recently, I wrote a review for this on BGG, and I will repost it here: Just started really getting into it and Tonkin is a great wargame and represents the dynamics of the First Indochina war, and fighting in Vietnam, excellently. For history, reading Bernard Hall's Streets Without Joy and that first and second hand data helped get me in the theme of this game. They go well. Mechanics, show the differences between both factions and within a couple turns the limits and ways to win show themselves. The way VP are similar but divergent is key. E.g. the French need to wound the Viet Min for Vp but the Viets want to obliterate whole units. When those units come back, they cost the French VP again so it is a double hit. No such limit is on the VM. Visuals: it is beautiful for a paper based wargame. I will buy games from this designer again.
Fascinating implementation of the Indochina conflict. The game plays fast but doesn't lack depth. Limited resources, asymmetric abilities of the conflict parties and a relentless jungle (beautifully depicted on a gorgeous map) make for a very interesting 'brain burner'. The counter artwork is something I didn't warm up to, yet. But I can imagine that this might change over time.
Excellent game
I owned the first edition of this game, which I traded a while ago, but after some time I wanted to get a new copy, when I finally saw the second edition of this game on legion wargames for preorder, I promptly ordered it, and I am happy I did, this new edition is a much better edition than the first, and I look forward to getting it on the game table.